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Chess Endgame Workbook for Kids (English Edition) de John Nunn
Descripción - This is a book for those who have started to play chess and want to know how to win from good positions and survive bad ones.The endgame is where most games are decided, and knowing all the tricks will dramatically improve your results. Endgame specialist John Nunn has drawn upon his decades of experience to present the ideas that are most important in real games. Step by step he helps you uncover the key points and then add further vital knowledge.Chess Endgame Workbook for Kids is the third in a new series of books that help players gain chess skills by solving hundreds of carefully chosen exercises. The themes are similar to those in Gambit’s best-selling ‘Chess for Kids’ series, but the focus is on getting hands-on experience. Many positions build on ones given earlier, showing how advanced ideas are normally made up of simpler ones that we can all grasp.Each chapter deals with a particular type of endgame and features dozens of exercises, with solutions that highlight the key points. For each endgame we are given tips on the themes that are most important and the strategies for both sides. The book ends with a series of test papers that enable you to assess your progress and identify the areas that need further work.Dr John Nunn is one of the best-respected figures in world chess. He was among the world’s leading grandmasters for nearly twenty years and won four gold medals in chess Olympiads. In 2004, 2007 and 2010, Nunn was crowned World Chess Solving Champion, ahead of many former champions.
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Chess Endgame Workbook for Kids (English Edition)
- Autor: John Nunn
- Categoria: Libros,Infantil,Actividades, manualidades y juegos
- Tamaño del archivo: 7 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Descargada: 125 times
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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Chess Endgame Workbook for Kids - Gambit Chess Books ~ Chess Endgame Workbook for Kids is the third in a new series of books that help players gain chess skills by solving hundreds of carefully chosen exercises. The themes are similar to those in Gambit’s best-selling ‘Chess for Kids’ series, but the focus is on getting hands-on experience.
Chess Endgame Workbook for Kids (English Edition): Tienda ~ Chess Endgame Workbook for Kids (English Edition) (Planet Shopping España: Tienda Kindle - ASIN: b07zkdctjj).
Chess Endgame Workbook for Kids - Kindle edition by Nunn ~ Chess Endgame Workbook for Kids - Kindle edition by Nunn, John. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Chess Endgame Workbook for Kids.
Download [PDF] Chess Endgames For Kids Free Online / New ~ Chess Endgame Workbook for Kids is the third in a new series of books that help players gain chess skills by solving hundreds of carefully chosen exercises. The themes are similar to those in Gambit's best-selling 'Chess for Kids' series, but the focus is on getting hands-on experience.
Download [PDF] Chess Workbook For Children Free Online ~ Chess Endgame Workbook for Kids is the third in a new series of books that help players gain chess skills by solving hundreds of carefully chosen exercises. The themes are similar to those in Gambit's best-selling 'Chess for Kids' series, but the focus is on getting hands-on experience.
Chess Endgame Workbook for Kids: Nunn, John: 9781911465386 ~ Chess Endgame Workbook for Kids is the third in a new series of books that help players gain chess skills by solving hundreds of carefully chosen exercises. The themes are similar to those in Gambit’s best-selling ‘Chess for Kids’ series, but the focus is on getting hands-on experience.
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Endgame Books - Chess ~ Reuben Fine (October 11, 1914 – March 26, 1993) was one of the strongest chess players in the world from the early 1930s through the 1940s, an International Grandmaster, psychologis, university professor and author of many books on both chess and psychology. (His endgame classic BASIC CHESS ENDINGS is one of the most famous endgame books in chess, and probably one of the most famous chess .
Chess Endgame Workbook for Kids - Livros na Brasil ~ Chess Endgame Workbook for Kids is the third in a new series of books that help players gain chess skills by solving hundreds of carefully chosen exercises. The themes are similar to those in Gambit’s best-selling ‘Chess for Kids’ series, but the focus is on getting hands-on experience.
Chess Endgames for Kids: Muller, Karsten: 9781910093610 ~ Chess Endgames for Kids makes learning chess endgames fun. But it is also a serious endgame course written by a leading endgame expert, and provides a firm basis for vital skills that will develop throughout your chess career. German grandmaster Karsten Müller is arguably the world’s foremost writer on chess endgames.
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Chess Endgames for Kids - Kindle edition by Müller ~ Chess Endgames for Kids - Kindle edition by Müller, Karsten. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Chess Endgames for Kids.
How to Play Chess Endgames (English Edition) eBook: Müller ~ He is also a chess trainer, organizer and arbiter. "This constitutes a complete course on practical endgame play at the highest tournament level, and I know of no previous work like it." - Harald Keilhack, Schach "How to Play Chess Endgames is something different. Authors Müller and Pajeken adopt a unique approach.
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